Fast-track the success of your health tech company
However, you can still explore the programme's goals and it's innovative achievements.

Co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund, Simulation for Digital Health (SimDH) was a free programme supporting health tech start-ups and SMEs to innovate, develop and deliver new products and services.
SimDH utilised the academic knowledge within London South Bank University (LSBU) with the varied experience of our industry partners. This comprehensive knowledge and experience was passed on to participants via a range of bespoke support.
Our Cohort
Build Momentum
Our support was delivered via a five month cohort structure.
Participants were given a bespoke pathway that offered regular one-to-one meetings with expert consultants, personal development opportunities, and support with product development.
We helped participants to:
Our Cohort
Focused Workshops
Workshops were delivered by a range of experts throughout the programme. They were designed to provide participants with a thorough, rounded knowledge-base upon which they could continue to develop themselves and their business.
Example events included:
Our Cohort
Your Development
A good leader is as valuable to a business as a good product or idea. Throughout programme, particpants had regular face-to-face meetings with experts who provided feedback and the benefit of their experience.
Innovation Support
Product Development
Businesses with a design prototype who required support to develop a MVP, or already had a MVP and were ready to start independent testing, were encouraged to apply for Academic Collaboration as part of the programme.
Participants were then able to move forward, access funding, or enter the marketplace with the confidence as their idea had been ratified by a leading academic body.

The latest content and events
Frequently asked questions
Companies could have been at a variety of stages in product development and still benefit from the wide range of expertise and support available through the programme.
Companies that had a well-defined product or solution, i.e. MVP, and were ready to start user testing or building their evidence base were likely to benefit the most from collaborative research and development with LSBU academics as part of the programme.
Those that applied but were unsuccessful in joining the cohort were given feedback to support any future applications, as well as signposted to other potential areas of support to help them develop.
Businesses were expected to actively engage with all of the support available through the cohort. This would typically equate to around six hours per month and applicants needed to dedicate additional time to work on any actions set to them via one-to-one support.
SimDH was part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and London South Bank University (LSBU). All support was provided under Article 28 Innovation Aid to SMEs, and did not affect the de minimis allowance.