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We’re inviting you to share your story, build your network and connect with the next generation of change makers through impactful volunteering.

Think back…

Do you remember that person, conversation, or piece of guidance that really had an impact on your professional life, or started the fire burning to begin something new?

This is your opportunity to be that person for the next rising star and be part of the story they tell.

The Student Enterprise team at London South Bank University (LSBU) offers events, funding, networks, space, and programmes to support people into employment, self-employment or starting their own business. This is primarily open to LSBU students and graduates, but we also open many of our events to the wider community of entrepreneurs - supporting individuals from outside of LSBU. To find out more about these opportunities click here.

We are rejuvenating our offer to support enterprising students and the community in realising their ambitions to change the world - but we need entrepreneurs, leaders and freelancers like you to make it happen!

By launching our new programmes, workshops, talks and initiatives that introduce and tell the stories of real-world experts, we hope to inspire, connect and educate our audiences further.

Am I the right person?

It’s a big question and it can feel very daunting to put yourself forward for such an opportunity. The actual question to ask yourself is:

Do I have experience in…

  • Entrepreneurship?
  • Freelancing?  
  • Social Enterprise?
  • Working in a business area? Think marketing, branding, sales, finance, investment, company culture, etc.?
  • Working in industry? This could be retail and e-commerce, tech, digital app-based services, creative industries, food and drink, etc.?

If you do, then you’re set to inspire. Our team will support you in delivering whatever you are comfortable with. Maybe you can:

  • Give a talk on your field of expertise
  • Deliver an interactive workshop
  • Answer questions and share your experience in your area
  • Mentor or offer guidance to students and graduates  

Have we mentioned the mental health benefits?

There is a lot of interesting research demonstrating the link between mentoring and improved happiness and wellbeing.

This may be an opportunity to better understand your own journey, explore the hardships and the positives, reflect and gain new understanding of how you want to proceed.

If you have found mentoring and storytelling have been good for your wellbeing, please do share your lived experience on this too.

Okay, I’m in.


To get involved in this opportunity, please connect with our team at SBI to discuss how you may be able to share your experience and inspire others.

Our aspiring enterprise community would be delighted to hear from you!

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