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Simulation for Digital Health (SimDH) alumni Holly Health, the first evidence-based digital health coach for sustainable behaviour change, announced £1.4M in funding.

Investment funding for the Healthy Aging Challenge, has received a £540K boost from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). The grant is driving a new collaboration with Age UK Lewisham and Southwark (AUKLS) to help improve the physical and mental health of 50-70+ year olds, by slowing the onset of chronic conditions with digital health tools.  

£1.4M of this funding will support Holly Health’s work into sustainable behavioural change and healthy ageing.  

Launched in August 2021 by Dr. Claire Wu - a neuroscientist and software engineer - and Grace Gimson - a former Operations Lead for Deliveroo, Facebook, Microsoft, and Aldi - Holly Health was designed to support long-term lifestyle changes. Their work targets everyone, with a focus on reducing and preventing chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and stress.

Holly Health is a member of our Simulated Digital Health (SimDH) third cohort. We are developing the logic model for their platform through a knowledge exchange project with them. This will build into our ongoing support for Holly Health's further product development.

We are immensely proud of their achievement.  

Are you looking for support as you develop your health technology? Applications for SimDH’s fourth cohort are   now. Find out more about the programme and apply for fully-funded support at the SimDH website.

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