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We’re over the moon to announce that Honey Corn Skincare, a client with our Enterprise Steps programme, has won a Bronze Medal in the Face Oils / Oil Serum Category at the eleventh annual ‘Free From Skincare Awards’.

Ayesha Ibrahim founded Honey Corn UK Skincare over three years ago. She has been working with our Enterprise Steps programme since March 2021 – receiving free, tailored support and mentoring to understand and explore her funding and export opportunities.

This was her first attempt at entering her product into a cosmetics award.

The Free From Skin Care Awards is a perfect fit for her product. The Europe-wide awards were founded to encourage and reward manufacturers of skincare products that are ‘free from’ any allergens, preservatives, additives or fragrances. Particularly those associated with skin sensitivities or allergies and ethical, environmental, and health concerns. Honey Corn Skincare won the bronze for their best-selling and gender-neutral Elemi & Frankincense Anti-Ageing Serum.

Ayesha said, “I’m thrilled to have won. The win means a lot to me as [our serum] was formulated after several years of research using the knowledge acquired and documented by the Ancient Egyptians in the Papyrus Ebers - an ancient Egyptian papyrus of herbal knowledge dating to circa 1550 BCE. The ingredients used in our serum have been used and tested since antiquity.”

The award announcement was made after a rigorous month-long assessment by four experienced cosmetic testers and a round-table expert judging session.

Jo Sealy, Ayesha’s Business Consultant with Enterprise Steps, had this to say of her exciting news:

"Ayesha has been consistently proactive in working to build the business, actioning suggestions from our meeting sessions and it is great to see her hard work and great products being rewarded."

A developing business in London, Honey Corn Skincare has been able to survive, prosper and grow through networking encouraged by Enterprise Steps. Through these connections, she is aiming to be stocked as a wholesaler and we have helped her to identify retail sales and pop-up opportunities.

She plans to export her range to the Czech Republic next with her sights set on a world-wide product range one day.

Honey Corn Skincare products are available via

If you want to boost your new or existing London-based enterprise with a tailored programme of free support and mentoring, you can connect with us here.

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