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ACE IT provides London's immersive tech and creative industries businesses with support to better understand, adopt and develop immersive technology. Following an extensive application process, the team have now picked 16 new businesses who will receive Business & Innovation support from the programme.

Project Manager for ACE IT, Rachel Beach, says:

"Following our first successful cohort of the ACE IT programme in Spring, 2021, we are excited to be welcoming another range of businesses from across all industries onto ACE IT. We're really looking forward to working with them to develop new immersive products and seeing the outcome of these collaborations."

ACE IT is a collaboration by South Bank Innovation, part of London South Bank University, and London College of Communications, UAL. The programme is match-funded by European Regional Development Fund.

Read on to find out more about the businesses and their current work.

AfriLife Wealth

AfriLife Wealth provide holistic health and wellbeing to BAME and over 55 plus groups. is an online art platform promoting social movements advocating a fair and equitable future. They at least 15% of the pre-VAT revenue to support these movements.

Bright Immersive

Bright Immersive help businesses supercharge their communications by transforming stories, products and services into interactive and immersive 3D digital experiences.

Bright Immersive are also a member of South Bank Innovation's BIG Innovation Programme.

EM Sheppard

Em Sheppard Ltd provide educational technology to people with special educational needs


Geotourist is an essential travel app. They're building an audio-map of the world to preserve and share authentic stories, guiding travellers and helping destinations gain insights into their visitors.

Helsa Wellness

Empathy VR by Helsa is a virtual reality product that allows its users to experience first handed what it can be like to live through everyday incidents of stigma and discrimination as a minority person.

Kristina Pulejkova

Kristina Pulejkova is a visual artist. Her inter-disciplinary practice is informed by science and technology. Kristina’s work explores how the use of technology might lead to greater forms of sustainability in human-nature relationships.

One Typical Day

One Typical Day is a digital platform showcasing hundreds of careers, using a 'day in the life' video format (e.g., ‘day in the life of a junior lawyer’). They blend quality (professional content, curated for students) with impact, such as:

  • Digital trends
  • Social mobility
  • Accessibility
  • Inclusion
  • Sustainability.


This music brand focusses on creating, distributing, and promoting innovative music at the international nexus of avant-garde art. Outtallectuals comprises a record label, publishing service, promotionalYouTube content, merchandise & events.


OwnAChord create confident, successful guitar players. Their game-changing programme combines the best elements of online learning, in-person collaboration and personal support.


RRUKI Group is a social enterprise design and development consultancy. They are currently focussed on tackling global issues using modern eco-technologies such as carbon positive transport solutions to tackle desertification, drought, forest fires and poverty reduction.

TaaB Motion

TaaBMotion is a Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) platform. Their service allows taxis and networked vehicles to change how they think about cities, transport, and data.


tomomixart uses art and XR technologies as a vehicle to evoke people's emotions through immersive experiences and spread stories to make changes for good.


TOCC excel in immersive technology, production and filmmaking. They're embracing the 5G revolution as it kicks opens doors to new possibilities, ground-breaking ideas and future shaping digital discoveries.

Are you looking for support breaking into, or disrupting, the creative industries? ACE IT isn’t currently recruiting, but take a look at our Hi3 Network. Hi3 Network connects you to like minded entrepreneurs from across the South East whilst helping you access specialist facilities and workspaces.

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