LSBU Hub, 116 London Road, London SE1 6NJ
March 12, 2024
Start Time
4:00 pm
End Time
8:00 pm

Business Connector: Are you ready for the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

Join us for a transformative event that explores the dynamic landscape of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR).

Focusing on connectivity and digital transformation, this event brings together global industry leaders, expert academics, and innovation funding partners to discuss the technologies driving 4IR, sustainable growth, and how scalable implementation can be achieved for your business.

This ongoing era of technological advancement involves the seamless integration of digital, physical, and biological systems. As advanced robotics, artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, quantum computing, and other emerging technologies advance, how can academia and industry prepare for the new age?

Discover how 4IR is not just a wave of innovation, but a strategic imperative for your business. It presents unparalleled opportunities for growth, enhanced efficiency, and adaptability in our increasingly connected world. Businesses that strategically leverage 4IR technologies are not only futureproofing but also positioning themselves to thrive in the evolving global business landscape.

Event highlights:

Strategic insights: Gain profound insights from global technology communication leaders driving the vanguard of innovation.

Academic expertise: Engage with leading academics spearheading research in 4IR.

Partnership exploration: Connect with innovation funding partners to explore collaborations that can propel your business into the future.

Business surgery: Discuss collaborative partnering opportunities with our business team.

Funding vouchers: Learn more about our Innovation Voucher Scheme.

This Business Connector is perfect for business innovators and partners who wish to discover how South Bank Innovation (SBI) can support their growing business.

Register now and be part of the revolution.

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