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Chris Darby founded in 2018 to commercialise a smart charging solution that helps maintain grid stability as electric vehicle (EV) demand grows.

" enables this consumption to be matched with renewable generation, and to be delivered without costly upgrades to the grid by shifting charging to when there's less demand," says Darby.

In the UK has over 15,000 customers and globally it serves 16 utilities. There are plans to launch in the US and Germany, to grow the base to over 50,000 users, and build partnerships with more energy companies.

The start-up aims to evolve into complete solution for energy companies to provide grid flexibility without negatively impacting their customers' ability to use their car.

Darby says, "We've had to educate our customers, EV drivers and the broader industry in the value of smart charging and also address their fears that smart charging can be too intrusive or cumbersome."

The company has been the first to bid aggregated EVs into UK flexibility markets, showing how EVs can play a part in balancing the grid.

Accessing support of London South Bank University (LSBU) academics through the University's Sustainable Innovation programme is helping to identify gaps, assess the risk, and invest in knowledge and capabilities, according to Darby.

"Even the most theoretical research can have real world usages and implications, and there's often nothing better than empirical research to prove a theory. Partnerships like ours with Sustainable Innovation enable us to unlock these bilateral benefits." is also receiving a grant to pay 40% of the salary of a newly hired data engineer through the programme.

Over a 12-month project, which began in mid-2020, Carla Gouws has been working at to collect data on the charging habits of EV drivers as well as the carbon impact of electricity based on when it is delivered, daily and weekly. The data will enable to empower drivers to charge their cars at times when the power is cheapest and has the lowest carbon footprint.

Customers will be able to track their charges and the carbon impact of each charge on the app, which provide them with the information they need to charge their cars at times when carbon impact is lowest.

Ioannis Iatropoulos, who teaches Computer Science at LSBU, is providing light-touch support to the team.

Find out more about and download the app at

Want support as you develop new products that will help us combat climate change and pollution? The Sustainable Innovation programme is recruiting soon. Sign up to be notified of applications opening by pressing 'Apply' on the Sustainable Innovation Home Page.

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